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Showing posts from October, 2023

Comparing Lists - ChatGPT; is it Reliable for Recommendations?

    According to a report from Australia, which considered the responses of 1,370 people from several different coffee shops. Below are what the respondents chose to be their priority factors when choosing a coffee shop, the percentages corresponding with the number of them who ranked these factors in their top five. Coffee taste/strength – 88% Coffee quality – 87% Convenient location 84% Pleasant ambience – 76% Quick service 73% Australians are known to be the ultimate coffee snob, playing a huge part in their culture, having put their nose up to the notorious Starbucks, closing all shops back in 2008. And so these will be the factors I will be using to determine the order of this list. To have a basis of what coffee shops to visit and rank accordingly, Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer, better known as ChatGPT was used to answer "Top 10 coffee shops in Glasgow".  The artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot gave the following answers: 1. Papercup Coffee Comp...

Best Overall: Expectations vs. Reality (Coffee Shops Glasgow)

For those who have grown up in Glasgow they may have experienced the vast majority of what the city has to offer, when it comes to to their 'morning coffee fix', with coffee shops popping up anywhere and everywhere in and around the city. For locals getting their daily caffeine fix it is an easy option for them, with no need for a thought process first thing early on a typically rainy day in the city. This blog will not only give those visiting the city an insight into the cafe culture here in Glasgow but may also persuade native coffee lovers to try out other rival establishments. Glasgow's Boom In Coffee Shops  The rise in coffee shops in Glasgow in the past decade has created a thriving coffee scene in and around the city, incomparable to what it was like just a few decades ago. This has allowed for all types of variations of coffee shops to establish themselves in the city, ranging from specialty cafes, coffeehouses, and themed cafes, as well as grab-and-go cafes such a...